Mary Pat was there when I arrived. Alison was in great spirits..AGAIN!!! Two days in a row is so nice to see. She was funny and pretty with it. I noticed that she likes to imitate and mock what people are saying. She always does it with a smirk on her face. She still likes to do accents.
I put on Pandora for her..Cello Concerto Station. She requested to hear the soundtrack from The Hours. I couldn't find it at first but when I finally did, I played it without telling her. I wanted to see how she would react. She recognized it immediately and was so elated. She said she would fall asleep immediately. She probably would have had Mary Pat and I not disturbed her. We could see the relaxation and happiness wash over her as the music played. She truly looked blissful. I will bring her the CD today and let the staff know about it.
I asked her specific questions about caring for Stella and she was able to answer.
Days like these give me so much hope. And knowing that Alison's anger and sadness seem to be waning is such a relief.
This makes my heart so happy Amy. So, so happy. <3