Thursday, May 22, 2014

Thursday May 22

Alison and I had another philosophical conversation this week. Alison shared how she wanted to get out of there or that she wanted to die. But then she said she does not want to die. We then talked about what it would take for her to get out of there. I said it meant her being able to sit and use a wheelchair. I then asked her what that would take and she said the word “work”. She then said that she didn't want to work and she didn't like to sit in a wheelchair. I reminded her that work was the way that she would get better. And so the cycle continues.

She is accumulating fluid in her throat and is unable to cough it up. Alison had one little seizure when I was there. The staff doesn't respond when I asked them to come to: see the seizure, get her changed, or help her get fluid out of her throat.

Mary Pat visited on Tuesday, and will go on Alison's neurology appointment on May 27. Alison says no one else has been by. I reminded Alison that Reenie arrives late tomorrow night for Memorial Day weekend and to ask Reenie to call me so I can arrange a time to come up and visit with Reenie and Alison.

1 comment:

  1. We'd like to come some time the weekend to visit with the dogs. But finding adequate space to visit as the quarters are so tight and she is not sitting up is the issue. If she could go out on the front porch or somewhere outside even for a few moments in the chair we could visit better. Maybe Rennie can persuade her and we can run over.
