Alison reported to Mary Pat on Tuesday and me today that Alison was fed soft foods three times about five days ago (by Marcia?) and that Rolina is also feeding her. Alison remembers eating beans, mashed potatoes and gravy, pudding, and juice. Alison said she did not choke. I checked with the floor nurse, Pam the floor staff, and Rachel of speech therapy. They confirm that Alison is still NPO. No one could comfirm whether Alison had been fed but Pam will check with "Marcia". Alison would really like to eat (lobster bisque and carrot juice, not the spreadable cheese as it is harder to swallow). I have asked Reenie to contact the facility to check if it's time to do another swallow evaluation. Reenie, can you also contact Rolina to make sure Rolina is not feeding Alison until this is done (if she is….).
Alison and I stretched out her limbs and she worked on her moving her limbs. We tried to control individual musles (like lower arm and leg vs upper arm and leg). Real progress but not much strength. Per Alison, Rosalina is not having her do any exercises. Reenie, did you send a list of movements for Rolena to do with Alison? Is Rolina willing to remind Alsion to do them? Alison says she forgets on her own.
Alison says she is not sleeping at night and it is driving her crazy. Can we check whether the facility would give Alison something to help her sleep each night?
Rolina has taught Alison “mind over body control”. While I was there, Alison said, “Itch itch go away. Jesus commands it.” And then Alison relaxed and was not driven crazy by the urge or the discomfort.
Mary Pat brought a fan as there is fighting between roommates over control of the AC/heating unit. I did not tell Alison anything about facility efforts.
I was there last Friday, 6/6, and Rolina was feeding Alison solids when I got there. As I recall, we had some discussion about it; Rolina said that the plate of solids appeared, so she assumed that it was okay. Alison did not have any problems eating it, as far as I could see.