Thursday, May 8, 2014

A"little" Better But a Seizure

Sorry to have been offline for 2 weeks but was sick last Thursday. This visit Allison was a little more with me during the visit. She even said one joke. She tried moving all of her limbs. It turns out that if you put a hand under her foot she can kick both legs individually. Can we please make sure that Rolina works with Alison each time – massaging her limbs, having Alison try to move them, and having Alison push against Rolina’s hand when placed on the bottom of Alison’s feet?

Rachel, the speech therapist, came today. We tried lobster bisque and cheese. Alison had difficulty with both. So Alison is back to NPO. Rachel checked with nursing on whether Alison has had changes in medicine and was told that there was no change. I do not know how far back they checked. It may have been five weeks ago when we started to see the decline. (See blog of April 10).

Anita Carstens was here for a visit. She just found out where Alison was from Joyce. Anita works two blocks away and is heads up a school that teaches about services for people with disabilities (?). She had some insights on Alison seizures. She talked about petit mal and psycho motor seizures. To Anita, it sounds like psycho motor events. With psychomotor seizures you don't have all the shaking and the tongue biting and the erratic behaviors. You just get a blank stare and it's almost like a loss of consciousness. When the person comes out of the seizure they are not aware that the ever have to seizure. There is neurological testing for it.

Of course, after Anita left, Alison had a seizure. When she woke, Alison said she had a bad headache.
There is a water leak in the ceiling above Alison's bed and the tile has become discolored. Allison is scared it's going to fall on her. She found it difficult to explain but we finally figured it out. I am going to talk to nursing to have them move the discolored tile to different location in the ceiling. Hope this gives Alison peace of mind.

1 comment:

  1. Ted and I went to visit today. It was a short visit as she had just had a shower and was zonked. She recognized us both right away. Rolina had her remain in the chair and she was not thrilled about that, and then in the small day room. The elevator was not working when we got there. Alison did say that she would like to have our therapy dogs TaDeus and Coral visa her. I checked with the activities director, Jocelyn who said that was fine and just to bring their certifications papers. We shall also ask our organization Therapy Pets Unlimited to add her and Bridge Park to their facility list for to possibility of other pet visitors in the future
