Monday, November 4, 2013


Sunday I came with tomato bisque, blueberry yogurt, and clementines. She loved it!!

She was watching Star Trek when I got there. She was quiet but very frightened and worried that spaceships were coming. She also said the nurse had punched her in the chest. 

She was very fretful the whole visit. Telling me to make sure I put stuff in the oven, make sure the fridge was on, tell so and so this, do that. Instead of trying to set her straight and bring her back to reality, I just kept saying ok. I promised her that I would take care of everything and that she didn't need to worry, that she has no responsibilities and can just relax.  She trusted that I would do all these things and an outburst/further anxiety were averted.  This is an approach I have not taken before. I am usually very straight with her.  It didn't feel completely right but it did placate her, and that was nice..for both of us!!!

Also, half way into my visit, the nurse said that Alison is still active with MRSA (an antibiotic resistant staph infection) and that all visitors need to wear a gown and gloves..every time. I noticed (as I was leaving) a sign on her door that says all visitors of this patient must check in with the nurse before entering.  

Claudette (Harford Terrace neighbor) visited Alison Sunday night. She was amazed by what she saw...Alison's progress!!!  She said that Alison said she was overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and cried. I am glad that she is aware of and can feel that love. 

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