Friday, November 8, 2013


(This is from Friday..)
Alison was screaming this morning and then slept pretty much all day. I couldn't get any information from the nurses about why this was..up all the night before and/or sedated.  She was slightly more alert at dinner than she has been my last few visits.  Although she only had one eye open.  We had several semi-coherent conversations. And by that i mean she was speaking intelligbly but her sense of reality is warped.  She is still confused about a lot of things but clear on others. She thought she was in Texas and could not understand how she could possibly be in Maryland.  She cried twice because she misses Philip. We called him and that made her feel better.  She has completely lost her sense of humor.  She was concerned that I was talking to the nurse. She told me not to tell them anything.  Like what? I asked. Politics she said.  I told her my lips are sealed.

She said she has not had any physical therapy in the past few days.  She can move her arms and legs but movement/energy are definitely limited.   She hardly ate any dinner but was really thirsty. 

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