When I arrived Amy was also visiting. It was great to see her too!
Alison stayed in a constant semi-sleep state with her eyes closed, calling out mumbled words the whole time. Allison had no sleep last night. She had been given a sedative given how active her calling out had been all night. It's as if she's trying to sleep but keeps waking herself every 5-10 seconds by talking out loud about things going on inside her head, perhaps jumbled dreams? Everything she says are one or two words followed by non-sequiturs of mumbling.
It is on the wall.
I want…
...my arm
Scary words
Old woman
I can't move them
She doesn't have it
...needs to be
My god!
No power
Did you find...
(and the one I like best) I am in Boston
In between, she frequently calls out "please help". Bit she is not aware enough to tell you what she needs.... Music does not calm her. They are thinking of giving an additional sedative to help her sleep.
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I really hope they can figure the meds out. This is just so sad to think about, I'm sure even harder to witness. I hope they can find a way to find her peace.