Sunday, December 8, 2013


Today Alison was awake!!!!  And sitting in her chair. She kept blowing me kisses. She seemed like a young child. She reminded me of my cousin who has Downs and who is just the embodiment of love. 

I had a really hard time understanding her. Her eyes were half mast and her words were garbled. And she speaks in fragments so you're not quite sure where she is going with her thoughts. She insisted that I take her blanket home with me. I kept saying "no, it's yours".  I finally said fine, I'll take it home but she told me I was pissing her off anyway. 

I try to make small talk with her but sometimes it goes awry. For example, I was talking about the cold weather and then about the mice that were in her house last year. She started freaking out. "I can't see the mouse. Where is it ? Get it. I can't find it !!!!"  Subject change!!!

She asked me what the dogs were doing.  And if I could call him..never figured out who him is. Wished me Merry Christmas. 

She seems neither happy nor sad. She is just there. She did yell out once (owwww) while I was there. Her aide said she was speaking in a British accent this morning so she must have been way more alert and animated earlier in the day. 

So glad she was awake this time and that I finally was able to really visit with her.  It makes her sad when she hears that she slept through a visit from someone. 

Can't wait for a new batch of visitors to come...Reenie and Christina..and liven things up for Alison!!!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait either!!! You guys have been SO great about keeping us posted. Hoping to be home on Saturday and make it there Sunday. :)
