Wednesday, September 11, 2013

In A While Crocodile

 "Bless you! Bless you! Oh God bless you!", Alison said as I entered her room today. She was reclining in her chair with the TV on.  She was pretty alert. I think she was uncomfortable..sciatica she had said.  She wanted me to stretch her legs.  She repeatedly lifted her right leg and made circles in the air with it.  She kept saying "dead weight".  And she kept trying to get out of the chair!! She could only lift her torso about half way up though but I have not seen her move this much before.  A few times I pulled her forward so she was sitting upright.  We both could only sustain this move for a few seconds but I think it brought her some relief.

Pink Floyd was on the TV and she sang a few words.  She wants me to bring Stella and she lit up when I asked if she'd be interested in using her bow.  PT thinks this will be a great for her.  I'll bring it tomorrow.  They unsuccessfully tried to get her to stand today. She was able to hold herself up in a sitting position by holding onto a bar with one hand.  

The staff seems to think she can only remember the events of the last 30 minutes.  This is not completely accurate.  She remembers Philip coming to see her.  I asked her if she remembered who I brought with me the other day.  She said "George?".  Then she smiled and said "Ringo? Paul?"  Haha!!!!  But she couldn't remember Aaron coming. 

I asked if she liked her nurses today. No response. 

As we were leaving, Anton said "See you later alligator".  "In a while crocodile" Alison replied, totally dead pan but loud and clear.  :) Good day!!!

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